For Deena, the Godess of WSA

I don't know if you will stay or not, but I wrote this little Poem for you hun. I hope it turns out okay & maybe helps heal the hurt in a small way. OhioGypsy & all the gang here at WSA.
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Comments (16)
Very well said, Ohio. Drinks on me if you ever get to AZ. Joe
Who cares what people say! If you post pics on here you take the rough with the smooth. Its a bit pathetic if you actually read and believe most of all the shit on here! Post your pics and enjoy it.
Hate when comments get cut off. Well said Ohio. Hopefully Deena will stay. All the positive comments from you guys make great reading, and should let Deena know we all care about her.
From one Poet to another,
i just gave 10 for the poem. sorry, i´m not an asshole, but i´m not long at wsa yet. i like it. i read just all postings, but help me to find one of deena´s postings to have the possibility to follow this term, pls!
Thank You very much for the thoughts Ohiogypsy. You must of put a lot of work in to that. So sorry that your work was not given the proper respect. luv deena
who´s Deena? pls comment date/title here, thx
great og... i hope deena stays too. :)
When did deena post?
I just had to try & make her see that we all love her & would miss her if she went away. I hope it helps to convince her to stay.
well said ohio
Very good OG!
beerisgood said it all, man.
thats a good one Ohio Gypsy..well said for shure..thats what we all need here..people like U and all the other cool People..tribalghost..
Nice job Ohio. I usually dont say much around here but Deena is well deserved of all of our nice comments. Deena is a very beautiful woman inside as well as out but your always going to have those sniveling ass kids who think they are funny by hurting people. I hope Deena realizes how many of us love her posts and care that she stays. This place just will not be the same without her beauty. I really wish I knew her a little better but you dont have to be close to someone to see the beauty that shines through, not only by her photos but by her kindness as well. This place needs not only Deena but people like you . Keep up the good work. We love ya Deena.