Our first plug goes in

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So, not only did we finally get that buttplug safe and secure in her ass - I also slid some Chime Balls in her pussy. I think I had two in and two out and the two that were out banged and clanged between her legs everywhere we went in the casino. You could really hear them when we were being seated in a nice, quiet 4 star restaurant. We both had a lot of fun filling up her holes all night.
Comments (12)
Ick sie schön mit dem Prügel.
I love that it's all about her fuckholes - her pleasure. Dominating pleasure. Very sexy!
Love her hot sexy ass !!
we have the same plug. Lovely doubled filled when hubby is in me. xxx
oh man is she ever HOT! This is so sexy!
very hot ... nice submission ... she's a good, naughty girl for you
indescribably horny
The Chime Balls are fun. I got a set of four set up like anal beads. I slid two inside of her cunt and left two hanging out. I think you can see one of them in one of our posted pics. As we left the room and walked down the hall to the elevator, it sounded I I was taking the Westminster Bells to dinner instead of her. She messed around for a bit - trying to walk in a way that muffled them until I told her to knock it off. She wanted them - I wanted to hear them. Then she just let them clang away everywhere we went until we got back to our room. I think she liked them - she had a huge mess going on when I finally slide them back out of her pussy. We had fun :)
Iay have to find my wife some chime balls.
OMG, that sounds so erotic.....