Not allowed to cum - Day 4

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So I get a lot of messages asking me why? Well, because I was asked to. A member here sends me a message every morning with rules telling what I can wear and what I can and cannot do. Day 4 was easier only because I was so bussy at work, I never had a chance to think about much else. Only a short clip when I got home from work very late last night. Its fun and some of you like it.
Comments (3)
MMMMMMM, I am patiently awaiting your happy ending, wishing I could be there with you and your wife to help!!!!!! Thank you for posting here
Oh I will....unless I cum in my pants today. I just don't know how big of a load I'll have. I've done this before and ot seems like the load gets smaller and smaller the longer I go between orgasms. I hope its a big one.....
I just hope you video your cumshot when you are finally allowed to cum.