Oiling my litte cock

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I love the feel of oil all over my little cock, would love someone to do it for me.
Posted in: Hand Jobs Tags: handjob, male, nude
Comments (14)
nice cock shame you didn,t cum
Sexy legs! And a nice dick too:-)
Oooh what a lovely cock!
İ want to your cock
Your cock is perfect. My cock is less than four inches hard erect.and slimmer.its like 1-2 inche limp. My wife is allowed to fuck other men that we meet and trust because we agree that I can't make her cum cus my cock don't hit her gs pot.but it works out good cus shell never leave me and she likes to fuck me a lot too.anyways I was saying ,you cock aint little.mine is much smaller than u.my wife likes em 7-9 inches and thick but if she saw yours shed go for it.
Nice video
Lol Tim!!
I love you guys for caring and pointing out to Little Cock that he was going to get in a whole load of trouble if he replied to jully00. This is not a great place sometimes, but at least some members care and you demonstrated it with your warnings. And Little Cock, I hope you took note and were not stupid enough to respond. If you want to thank me, my email is: virusdiallerkillyourpc@hotmail.com. Joking, of course!
Tale care all, love you lots. Tim xx
While oiling sure feels good, and I'd be glad to help, wouldn't you rather have a nice warm mouth wrapped around it? ;-)
And yes, thats totally a scam message, whats the point! xx
Thankyou :) :) :)
I agree with Brina - --forget the bitch that put you down!!
jully00v - - -sounds like a standard scam message to me!!!!
Mmmmm VERY HOT!!!!! I would love to suck your cock. It's Perfect.