The cockfight that wasn't (ish) 1

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A couple contacted me online - she wanted to see a cockfight.
We met and hit it off well, but then he said he had had cold feet about doing a cockfight (we had agreed on a joust type where, with her watching and judging, as us guys thrust at each other till one or the other tired or gave up). This was because he felt he was to small in comparison to my 51/2in tool (this turned out to be true). Of course I was instantly disappointed, but they then said that she still wanted another cock and he really wanted to see her getting one too, well, we were on!
With him filming and quietly watching whilst stroking himself, she and I, both highly turned-on, began a determined and enjoyable fucking. As I nailed her, I was already feeling virile and potent, realising that, in a sense, I had won the cockfight anyway as he had chickened out, when she huskily whispered in my ear “your cock would have beaten his easily”. I went hard as iron in her!
Comments (12)
An incredible rear!
love your wife's arse. Fantastic!
I wish I can kiss and lick your cunt an your nice ash.
I love british wifes. verry horny
mmmm made it extra sexy that you took it slowly with her arousal building up, hope to see more of you with this couple.
It didn't look or sound as if she wanted more than your 5 and a half ins sounded like it was the happiest she'd been for a long time
love to be the one that got to play with her pussy and tits then have her ride the cock with those tits bouncing. want to see more
5 1/2'', and you seemed proud!? How small was he? God this gorgeous woman needs a COCK inside her filling and stretching her pussy wide and making her CUM profusiously!
shes a sweet lass...eager for some stray cock..hats off to hubby for catching the moment..try a extra lad next time...her hole was clearly horny for more...shared pussy gets fucked the best
I don't see group sex or a threesome or a cockfight ? weird.
mmm , very erotic , super slow and enjoyable
Damn, I'd like to meet this couple!
mmmm hot ride!