Doggy Delight

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Woke up this morning with a massive hardon... when she saw it she knew she would need to deal with it. She rolled over and push her cute ass up in the air and I climbed on... stuffed the morning wood deep inside her wet cunt and went to work... I trimmed up the video a bit... left out the 20 minutes of sweaty, hard fucking and downloaded the money shot. A little slo-mo as well... hope you enjoy as much as I did. Sher loves the tribute guys... so keep them cumming. M & S
Posted in: Milf Tags: milf, mature, sex, doggy, style, close, up, cute, ass, cum, shot
Comments (9)
Love to be out front with my big thick cock in her mouth!
Very nice
Hot finish!
wow huge load!
Great stuff..... Lucky fella.
Did she not want that inside her then? Tsk Tsk.

OMG yes please :) xxxx
A great way to start the day. Thank you for editing and posting.
Nice! ;->
Great ass and pussy, superb cock, very nice cumshot...excellent video!