Fuck the Police! ...With a DILDO!

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Please like & Comment! ...It's a MAJOR turn on! Check out my other posts too!
This is just video of a photoshoot Hubby & I did, so it's not the same as some of the fucking & masturbation videos I like to do. So it's sped up in parts to get through what I thought was some of the boring stuff. I'm posting this because a lot of you wanted to see video after seeing some of the pictures.
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Comments (7)
Fucking hot!
Hot as, what a sexy lady
I want that to be my cock
I wanna fuck you officer!!
I need, to wank, masturbate now - freaking hot!!!
i see the "department" has given you two "deadly weapons" ;) and 3 "criminal restraining" holes ;) oh and cuffs to it seems ashame you didnt use them ;)
I would love for you to cuff me, suck me hard and ride my cock like that