Sounding my little dicklit

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I'm sounding my little boi dicklit, long probe that goes through my gland into my bladder! Feels great, love to jerk my clitty and cum with the probe in deep. Better with estim connected!
Comments (9)
Mmmm, glad you enjoyed me abusing my little clitty peehole and urethra and pgland and bladder! It's a favorite of mine!
MMMMMMMM love watching you play!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to rub myself as I watched!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting this hot, sexy video here
Mmmm, nice! i love to fuck my little clitty and bladder! Pounding the probe into it and feeling the pain! Sometimes my little clitty ends up being so bruised and black and blue from the fucking!
I've been fucking my Bladder while watching you fuck yours.
Mmmm yes I love it! Pushing a long probe in and the sensation i get when it goes through my gland and into my bladder is intense! Yes, i love to pull it out some then push it back in, repeating it over and over
Do you enjoy the discomfort pushing into your bladder. I Love poking in & out of that tight bladder opening. Mine is hollow & I piss through it.
Nic.e . and slow. . and deep. I luv how it feels.
Very nice