AO MMF with married hooker 2

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This was the 2nd time I met with the couple in order to take care of the married hooker. Hubby wanted to shoot a video with three to four men taking turns on her. She was especially keen on a sandwich and wanted to get both holes filled at the same time. Unfortunately we were only two men and therefore one hole was always empty. I have tried to upload screenshots from this video and well as a 2nd one but the post would denied. I still don't get it.
Comments (7)
Fantastic moanings of cumming the lady...mmmmmm
Sexy as fuck!
mmmmm she is fun, what a sexy girl to play with, hope she is not too expensive to have fun with
Very sexy !!!
I wouldn't think it would be hard to find as many guys as she wanted to fill her sweet holes!
Love the cumshot she takes it like a pro