Suck my balls

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For the lovers of big smooth balls getting licked and sucked. PM to see the full Vid
Comments (9)
I love the feeling of haveing my balls sucked and played with, she have mine any time
lucky you to have a balls sucking bitch like that!
Brilliant - my g/f loves sucki balls but we have never filmed it!!! Please send the full vid to thanks in advance. Maybe I will ask you to be friends - I only joined toaday and like what I see. Regards Sam
Very Good. Thank You
She is so lucky. I love to do the same to hubby!
no kidding i mjust got this same treatment Saturday night from the wife. And loke you my balls are ALWAYS smooth and fresh, well and they hang way low, so she always loves sucking them... No cumshot in this vid? I always love your cum shots in slow mo..... oh well, always hot and sexy
my ex wife would get over ambitious and suck my balls so hard that it hurt. then she would finish me off with her mouth and hands until I pumped a huge load on her face and tits
Now that is a nut sack sucker!!!!
Your Ol' Lady is an Accomplished Ball Washer;-)....Love it;) 10