Vibrator on her pussy

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Sorry this vid is kinda dark. People complain I don't make enough vids pleasuring her- well it's cuz my hands are fucking busy! It's not like I don't do it! YOU try to make a vid of yourself eating a girl out with an iphone haha! Plus I don't get off to girls getting off in video form, so I make the vids I want to watch later. I go down on my wife about 3-5 times a week- she just doesn't want pics or vids of it. Me personally, I get off watching my wife on my cock, so those are the vids I make. Yep I make em for me. What a selfish bastard I am :)
Comments (11)
I totally understand man. But....I love hearing her sexy moans and you pleasure her. She does riding you too.
You just don't show her cumming very often. Not complaining that's for sure. I think she has the sweetest ass
on Adultism. YOU are a lucky man!!
Would have to have my tongue in her butt while that vibe worked on her cunt!!
I like them too to se and hear her cummming more and louder
Love how you can make her moan.
worth the wait hope to see more of her ass grinding like that
You shouldn't worry about it just keep doing what you do it's awesome
I'd love to see her getting licked, but hearing her cum is amazing. You two are ridiculously hot.
That is OK. We at so happy with what you do share with all of us.
PREACH my friend!! its always sexy whatever you post. Your wife is something special
Well done, you selfish bastard. That's some gash she's got going there. I love it!
Watching that hot ass squirm is amazing! I'm not really a masturbation vid guy myself. I do them because I know it's going to end with me cumming on her face or tits, that's what I like lol