Posing and jerking a little in the forrest - part 1 of 2

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I've been wandering again and made two little videos in a forrest.
Yeah ok you want to see something new, but a have an gold membership and need to use it to get my stuff online because I want to show me and you to vote. Well I hope you see me enough so this are not just jerking videos. This is Part 1 from 2
I was walking to the woods again and made two small videos.

I have a gold membership now and I wanted to show a bit more. I hope you will vote for me. thanks!

Ich war mal wieder wandern und machte dabei zwei kleine Videos im Wald.
Ja klar ihr wollt was neues sehen, aber ich habe eine Goldmitgliedschaft und will die auch mal ausnutzen um meinen Kram online zu bringen, weil ich mich zeigen und euch zum Voten bringen will. Ich hoffe man sieht genug von mir, sodass das keine reinen Wichsvideos sind. Das ist der 1. von 2 Teilen.
Comments (5)
really enjoy your videos and hot body
Well if you lived closer you could have been the camera man :) And have zoomed in for the close up, hehe....
wish I lived closer.... would love to see a close-up of that sausage....
Yes you are right. There was no other way to place to camera... maybe I should get a camera man or woman :)
I like the idea a lot but there was too much distance. couldn't get a good look at your cock...