Redhot Redhead Show 8-23-2017 (Caught in Public Again)

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She got caught posing in public again today. This time when the first car drove slowly by, she made no attempt to go inside or even cover-up her shaved pussy... When the second car started coming towards her, she again was going to keep posing. However, this car stopped (I assume to watch what she was doing), and third vehicle (a truck) pulled up behind the car that had stopped to watch her... This third vehicle looked like a city-vehicle to me (which made me worry the driver might call the police). So I told her we should go back inside (she was perfectly willing to keep posing, as she really got off on the guy who stopped and waved to her recently). However, when I look carefully at the pics I took, I think the third is actually a cable-truck (not a city-vehicle), and I think that she would have been fine if she kept posing.
Comments (2)
oh wow. do it again, complete nude
hot. would love to be ur neighbour...