Wife squirting

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Just learned to squirt a few months ago. It is such an awesome feeling. It is hard to get a good video of it while fucking due to the chubbiness that we are. LOVE comments and likes!! I am working that pussy to get to the HALL OF FAME one day. Thanks everyone that does comment and like!! If you have any requests just put in the COMMENT box for me!!
Posted in: Masturbation & Toys Tags: bbw, squirt, hotwife, toys
Comments (19)
Sweet dreams of you
Awesome just keep up the great video work and its all good
very hot sexy arss
love to lick her sweet pussy
suck on her swollen clit well my toung licks and flicks it
well I slip my fingers in her warm wet tight pussy
I slip them in one by one until I have three fingers sliping in and out of her warm wet pussy
as I suck and lick her clit
I love to have her squirt in my mouth
before I slip my hard cock deep in her warm wet pussy
and fuck her hard and deep until she cums on my hard cock
she is so HOT!!! I love her body n skills!! Love all your vids! You make this young belgian guy really horny! Thanks!
wow sweet cheeks
LOVE that sexy pussy and puckering ass.... MMMMMMMMMMM ...
sweet squirting pussy hole....yum!
hot body and ass too !!!
I have only one question. How can YOU not have HER SEXY HOT SEXY BODY over YOUR face so YOU can eat what YOU two SEXY people are playing for. I see HER SEXY HOT PUSSY squirting and know that YOU want to show how much she squirts. But my face would have to be under her catching every drop. OMG she is so SEXY HOT and her SEXY BUTT would be heaven to be under at anytime yet alone if she is going to be squirting. I do know that a tongue can do the job if she gets good at it. I have a girlfriend that won't let me use nothing but my tongue. She LOVES to be on top and have me use just my tongue . And yes she almost drowns me when she lets go. THANK YOU both for the AWESOMELY SEXY HOT GREAT video.
She can squirt on me anytime! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Mmmmmmmmm so hot
will you shove my cock into your wife's pussy next
Love it.....work that pussy
Mmmmmmmmm so hot...get soaked !!
I would love to lick your pussy
Mmmmmm yummy!!!!
That's awesome
nice vid!