Pending friend request


Sex: female, looking for male
Age: 61 years old
Location: United States
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Member since: May 12, 2012
.I am a really a normal person who just enjoys my submissive side when it comes to intimacy with someone. It is a role that I am most content with and enjoy.Coming to this site to share erotic ideas and experiences with others who enjoy D/s. I'm an extremely sensual person who can instantly picture anything I read or hear. That can be quite erotic...or equally distasteful. I always enjoy men who understand women like me and my desires that are very real and true.
I've dabbled in this submissive of my personality off and on for years, studying at time, experimenting at times, and never quite ready to relax into who I am and how I am made. Finally, I am immersing myself, and finding it quite blissful. Now do not get the wrong idea I am not a slut unless I choose to be one for you. I am just a divorced Mom of 2 that enjoys her new freedom. I live in South Carolina(beach area). I travel often with my job also as a Tour Guide for a large Travel Tour Company. I am the person who tells you about all the great places your seeing while on tour.