Back in time 1995 - part 4(1)

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Part 4a(1) of the oldest erotic video I made of my wife. It was in 1995, with a big unhandy camera. Quality is poor, but it is the first erotic video of my wife! And I want to share this with you, because she was then already a very sexy and good looking lady (at least in my opinion).
In this video, she's 36 and it was just after she gave birth.
You see her playing with a penis vibrator. Admire her horny hairy pussy. And at the end of the video you can see her little breasts (at the time they were still small) and brown nipples.
Please, let me know what you think of her. Is she sexy?
Comments (4)
mmmm milk titties....
so damn sexy
great clip of your lovely wife...she was pretty back then and maybe even prettier and sexier today...she is a lovely woman..thanks for sharing her beauty and please keep posting her
very sexy clip, thanks for sharing