Us getting ready to play around

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We had just taken the xxx-mas photos and decided to play around. We took turns holding the camera. POV is not our best work. I think we need a camera person.
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: action, couple, tits
Comments (7)
I live near by. I'd love to be your cameraman as long as I could eat her too.
mmmmmmm wish I was santas elf and got to eat mrs claus pussy with and without cumm and suck off santa and lick his ball sack
Damn, she has a sensuous touch! Geaux Saints and Geaux Tigers!!! Bet NOLA is crazy right now.
hot - love it how she plays with your dick...wish it's mine
very hot
wish i lived in new orleans...could be that guy
If you are in upstate NY by capital I am your man to hold the camera for such a HOT couple. I can't wait to see more of your videos. True amateur which means truly HOT