Nude without being Nude. Non NSFW

I call this Artistic Nudes - Showing all whilst showing nothing, loitering around innapropiate but can't be classed as NSFW.

That is the style I like to achieve. It takes time & effort to contort the models body to look normal & relaxed whilst also covering their genitals. For men a tad easier - For women I suggest on doing the same & not worrying about covering your breasts. This may come across as NSFW - but if you link it with context i.e - A woman being proud & amazed that her breasts - of which she has akways been made to feel shunned & brain washed into thinking that not covering them would be an act of defiance & breaking the laws.

Many centuries ago when the government formed it was only attended, run & monitoered by men. Most men who don't have a grasp on reality, viewed breasts as a "naughty zone" - purely due to their view of breasts being sexual item which is exactly how they viewed women at the time.

Times have changed, the world has changed. Every woman has breasts - they are a neccisity. Apart from the uneducaterd 12 yr old going through pubuerty - they shouldn't be viewed any different as to a bloke not wearing a shirt etc. They need to be normalised with the sexual stigma removed.

To add my two cents - I grew upn the usual way accompanied by porn mags when I first hit puberty. Groing up - everything from tv comercials, movies, books & general passed along knowledge or blind acceptance created by warped, manipulated social normas - Push me on a different path to what seems is 99& of every other boy & man.
Smaller the breasts - the neater & tidier they seem.

For those women out there who think ( And i know it's an extremely large portion ) they're breasts are too small, too non round etc....then please - although it's against your core values & belief system you have been moulded into - You must try to apprach the sitaution differently.

If you are small - then love who you are and what you because trust me - there will be a person out there that is head over heels for exactly how you - from head to toe.
Comments (1)
very nice pics!