From time to time, people ask me about my nipples- how big are they *really*- because proportions on camera can be deceiving. So at the end of a photo shoot I decided to have a snack, and show you my favourite comparison-Raspberries! So I know that these are all pretty similar, but I was tired, and fooling around with what I had. Hopefully you won't mind too much. More of my bum next week! :-D
Oh, and just because it was a comment last night.... My breasts are my own, I grew them all by myself. I have had no surgery, no injections, nada. I airbrush the occasional bruise or zit from them (as I do from anywhere they appear), but I wouldn't begin to know how to change the actual shape of my body in editing. I wear a 42I bra when I can find them, 42 or 44 H when I can't. Size 24/3x for clothes. I am fully 300 pounds. This is just how I look, for better or worse.
LOVE how you look in every pic...... Love to sample your sweet Raspberries.... and Everything else...... LOL..
Can't wait to see your ..... bum pics......
Delicious body