Taking some doggie

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She loves doggie and I love seeing her ass up.... So we both win. Sorry didnt get the cream pie shot this time or spraying her ass Which is what I was supposed to do But feels so good cumming in her Had to let it go
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: mature, doggie, ass, cock, amateursex
Comments (9)
Nice and hot !
Take that pussy!!
would love to join in the fun...
Can't blame you I'd want to come in that pussy too.
Beautiful! She has a gorgeous ass! Love doggie! Your right, sometimes you just have to unload deep inside! Hitting balls deep and a huge explosion can't be beat!
Absolutely sensuous and inviting! We'd love to drop by your room and pamper your delicious SEXXXY bodies until you orgasm over and over again!
mmmm... she does have a fabulous ass.... looks like an awesome fuck !!! There's always next time for the cum shot !! :-)
Let me splash a fresh load all over her sweet ass, wait for it to dribble down her ass crack and then clean up my creamy goodness
Sexy ass!!!! Especially love it cum covered!!