Rub, eat, fuck part two

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After a nice long sensual massage, she gets more joy. Her pussy is eaten and rubbed. Then I get to put my longing cock into her very wet and ready pussy. Nothing worse for a woman than a cock rammed in before she is ready, which means more than just "wet."
Comments (10)
sexy man!!!!! u are hot as hell buddy x
I like this :)
Love watching this hot erotic action...
I bet it was a joy to enter her, slowly and take her deep. As your speil says she has to be ready to accept you and I do so agree, it feels so much better doesn't it and they appreciate you more and so quickly? Love it when they CUM though!
breezer to go down and eat her pussy and gently finger fuck her ass before ramming this hard cock up her love hole and shag the fuck out of her
I'd sure love to be next! YUMMY!
Very good i want more!!!
great video. I agree completely
Now that's how to properly honor a lady's pussy. Love it.
She's a Hottie! Love to Join in ;--)