Brains training 3

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brian behaved so weel. it was hot. i will post the next set's asap.
when i get pics of bi-couples or guys having fun and starpon girls fucking here guys-also any females or guys or bi couples who are submissive repsond
Posted in: Gay Tags: bdsm, gay, mature, bi
Comments (34)
i love the way you train
youre welcome hunx
no problem apology accepted..Thanks
love2look are right..I need to grow up. You dont have a cock and didnt fuck a goat. You are actually very hot. sorry
One thing that I have to say is that the Steve1965 gay guys post their pics and get good and bad comments. However to my knowledge, I have not seen them get all bitchy and pissy over the non positive comments. How cool is that?
and as for fucking a goat, sweetheart i sooner WOULD fuck a goat than a PIG like you, go away love2look and ruin someone else's posts, grow up.
bla bla, get real hun, i talk to MANY guys on here and also do cam sex, so please, at least be able to back up your crap talk... poor man, ooops, i mean swedish lady! lol
Hi JuicyGirl...hey I got your pictures that you emailed me. Yes, you do have a big cock. I liked the photo of you fucking the goat. You sure are wild and crazy.
love2look you are a total fruitcake.. get a life and stop watching all the men if you are soooooo disturbed by it.
love2look get a life you prick, you have just changed your ID into a woman now, you are called CLIVE and your a homophobic, sexist and racist male so quit acting here, you are american too, so why are you now saying youre from sweden?? seek help. or post some pics too, lets all see how ugly you are
cant we all just get along?
hey guys...stop leaving not so nice comments. you are hurting peoples feelings. All the gays are getting their panties in a stop it......or else Im telling.
hot video 10 10 10
So this is what 'arts and crafts' day looks like at the old homo retirement home.
Brains training? Who says you can't teach old dog new tricks. And that is one OLD gay DOG.
biglang and everyone else who likes to sit at home, playing with their tiny dicks and posting "nasty" comments about other peoples posts... get a life. If you dont like it, dont look. Its a site which welcomes everyone, and if your too pig headed to do the same... you might want to look into nazi***** as it sounds like it would be more fitting to your mindset. Grow up children.
What has happened to Adultism? Did morons dot com go out of business and all the deviants came here? (nice rating Steve!!!)
love2look, you really need to get out more, and get yourself a life. Lets all see what you have to offer? juicy g, you hit the nail on the head there girl, too true
you are right...I was so grossed out watching Christopher Lloyd sucking dick that I couldnt come up with anything even remotely funny to comment. At least Lloyd is still making porn.
Hey if these guys are still willing to post with the shit they have to put up with on here then by all means. Do people just sit on the asses all day and wait for the gay community on here to post something? And does it end they just sit on the site and judge other people. I think they probaly have issues deep down that contribute to the hate of other people just fucking grow up already. This will have feed back I am sure from the regular people who like to bitch about something they dont like. If you dont like it you dont have to click on it. that would be like me saying " Gee I wouldnt like to be set on fire but why the hell not?"
ok....I love to comment.
'love2look' your stupid user name says it all , it seems thats what you do just love 2 do ! lol.. and 'thermos' is a man who is obviously veeeery comfortable with his own masculinity therefor he doesnt need to bitch like a bitch lol
"Excuse me ... is this coupon good for spooge?"
On a fixed income, old people who can't afford cat food sometimes go to extreme measures for protein.
The things they make people in nursing homes do for a pudding cup is disgraceful.
I actually thought he looked more like Bruce Dern.
Thermos, that was so damned funny and it made me laugh! Christopher Lloyd! Now you said it, there is an uncanny resemblance.

I agree though. This isn't for me either. Hopefully these posts will die out sooner than later. Unless as I suggested to somebody else, Adultism is split into two sections. Gay/Bi and straight. Sorry guys if you are gay, but I'm not into poo chute stuff.