Coworker spanking

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Dress up cosplay
Posted in: BDSM Tags: paddling, nude, male, ass
Comments (5)
I love you, I love you, I love you! I want to be on your list. Maybe you could ride me hard as if I were Sea Biscuit. I'll bring the riding crop, spurs and you could pull on the reins after you hook 'em inside my nostrils. You could instruct your co-workers sit around and make bets on how long it will take for you to orgasm into convulsions. Of course if I fuck up and cross over the finish line first, I would need to face remedial training. I would leave that up to what ever you and your co-workers deem necessary.
Toyota factory. Nah, spanking is all we do.
These videos are take a nonstop ass slapping for at least 5 minutes, so hot. I gotta know more...who are all these coworkers? What work do you do? You ever do anything else with them or just get that hot ass smacked? You’re my hero, man!
Super hot! What happened after?