How to start the weekend Part 1

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She brought the baby oil into the shower this morning so I knew it was going to get interesting. She always likes to "wash me" when we shower and of course make me hard. She didn't use soap today however, and used the oil to massage my cock and give me an erection. She says it makes her feel power when she makes my cock hard.
Posted in: Hand Jobs Tags: hand, job, mature, real, sex, hotwife, milf
Comments (5)
Beautiful, her years have taught her how to treat a man well and god it looks good!
love to join you both
Skilled hands, that cock got hard fast
Well let's be honest, once she gets hold of your cock you're weak, totally at her mercy we all are mate so don't worry about it!! Just give in and enjoy....I do!!
she can have that power over me anytime