Sub being eaten by another stranger

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Would u enjoy using her
Posted in: Cuckold Tags: cuckold, realsex, stocking
Comments (7)
Would love a taste
thats a good eater, but no so strange with such a meal !
very horny
that's pretty damn hot!!!
Would really like to hear back from you! Like to get closer to the sow ! Would luv to get down and rut with you , pigs on a rubber mattress ! Fucking,sucking,totally into each other!while others jack off on us,finger there cunts on us, piss on us ,to think of you  and I fucking and then come apart just enough for someone piss on my cock and your cunt and then just pound together hard, !! Or to have some slut piss on our faces as we fuck ! Cum let's get it on  receiving some pain and wild treatment together! Like as her and I fuck ,with huge butt plugs up our asses,to have people piss and cum on us ,be punished if we stop or don't do as asked! then lots of crazy hot shit to make you cum hard hope to hear from you all Luvdoc
another sexy serving of her pussy buffet..he gave that gash a good lapping..always enjoy her nooky getting noshed
yes i would enjoy very hot cant wait for the next series