Punished in the stocks Pt 1

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Slave m has pegs put on his bottom and is put in my stocks . were i weight his balls and knock the the pegs off with my crop. then wax and nettle his arse before using a selection of my implements on his bottom.
Posted in: BDSM Tags: bdsm, fetish, clams
Comments (5)
Very nice work. He takes is punishment well
You really are a harsh Mistress, and an imaginative one as well, I enjoyed seeing you cropping off the pegs. Your sub really is admirable considering your ministrations, he hardly whined any. What was the amount of weight applied to the balls ? A very enjoyable vid. 10/10.
In reply to Sagapo below - the sub will be enjoying this, trust me on this. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. This lengh of correction will have been built up to, I doubt that slave m would be able to take it as a first time correction.
I watched this because I'm interested in human sexual behaviour and open to any new experiences, and to be honest I really don't see what kind of sexual satisfaction you get from this. As far as I can she is just inflicking pain and is she getting any sexual satisfaction out of this and if so how? He hasn't got a rampant hard on as far as I can see and because of the PVC I don't know if she is getting any satisfaction out of this. If she is her pussy juices must be running down her legs.
Each to their own guys, I'm not putting you down in any way shape or form, this is what you like to do for whatever reason, but I don't understand it. Maybe you can PM me and explain!
i like it 10
what ever floats your boat 10+