Marge in Admirers tights and open crotch thong, using his spunk

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A little about us, marge 49,me paul 47, from Leicestershire.
We prefer the spunk in a small container,you to cum a few times in it, freezing between samples,found cum in condom smells of rubber, then sent 1st class to us, you videoing you filling if possible.
Marge's fave bit is a note with your requests as to how we use it written as though you are there directing us. Marge will not have on face or mouth etc.
Even better if you can send panties, cheap see through size 10, but not essential.
M&P x
Posted in: Fetish Tags: fetish, injecting, sperm
Comments (4)
wow i love the orange panties and she looks quite pretty to. Does she ever swallow the cum ?
Thats very fucking hot!! I'm stroking my cock right now watching your wife shoot another mans load up her hot pussy! I was I could watch her rub her pussy after when she has an orgasm and the juices run from her cunt mixed with cum and her pussy juices, Mmmmm!!
That is hot. So nasty to see Marge taking all that spunk way up inside. Do you let it stay there until it is all absorbed or do you flush it out later?
Awesome!! I think I am in love with Marge!