Finger in Anus 01

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start of a series of similar videos. Great sex session with Mrs. OLGA, a very lustful and depraved female who likes to cheat on her husband and enjoy the good sex that I give her here by putting my cock in her pussy and putting a finger in her anal orifice estupenda sesio de sexo con la señora OLGA una hembra muy lujuriosa y depravada que gusta ponerle el cuerno al marido y gozar del buen sexo que yo le doy aqui metiendole mi verga por su panocha y metiendo un dedo por su orificio anal
Comments (6)
Nice thick slabs of juicy hanging dark Latina pussy meat. I'm going to spread those brown ass cheeks and stuff my white cock balls deep in that tight brown puckered Mexi asshole.
Kudos on a solid 15 minutes of lumping her full of cock. I would have bust too fast after the ass play started. When I start finger the wife’s ass I start losing my shit. It’s like and instant eruption in my loins. Glove ur lady’s arse. Nice and full. Tell me it tastes like milk chocolate !!!
I'm guessing you fuck her ass too
She can take more than a finger