Poor res but you get the idea

I'll upload some better ones, honest! But for now, you get the idea. There are the usual 'alone n a hotel and needing some fun' selfies and a could of my head. I'd be more than happy to share some more intimate shots of me, my lady, and others....

She's not playing any more, so you'll have to do with me. But she's got a great mature body that we're happy for your to visually explore.

If you're lucky, you might get to see her pussy and tits on the Dutch beaches this summer....
Posted in: Males Tags: bi, male, ass
Comments (4)
email me rhodes24@optusnet.com.au love to swap pics xx
Just posted another album, mixed. will upload more tomorrow night, with some nice cock sucking
Nice post looking forward for more....
For 'a could my head' read 'a couple of my head'......