Fantastique(1) Challange Starts Here !

A new day. I hope that my supporters will agree to take a shower with me. :)As for the rude and full of bad manners comments,I'mlooking forward 4 youre comments because we all
need some examlpes;". But if you have something to say about the people on the pics then please don't be rude. There is no use calling people pigs or whore or words like that. If you're still being rude, I will delete your account, which means all your posts and comments are gone, by continiously abuse I will block you the access to the site. I hate to do this, because I want to make it an open community. So please be nice for once, there is enough hate in the world already ;-)"
I just quote from Pierre's main page advices.
62 postings allready;14 allready been posted before,about 10-12 fakes and a huge quantity of bad comments.Pierre, we really need some help here.
I'll keep posting.who knows?maybe you will see and heard me/
Don't forget to comment and check the lips from 1 of august
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