My Mini Penis

Just me showing my mini penis to you.
I'm so happy that you'll associate my face as the guy with a tiny tool. I felt like I was living a lie by hiding the truth from the world.
Posted in: Studs Tags: mini, cock, male
Comments (23)
Fuck me
You are really cute. Would just love to fuck that sexy ass!
Nice cock.. but great ass.. love to lick and fuck it
That looks so good....great size for sucking...agree with post more comment.
why worry,it is nice and hairy,which makes it look very horny,I think it appeals to both M and F
Damn nice. I wanna see more.Come back again soon.
Thanks for all of your great comments. If you want to know more about me you can visit my blog at myminipenis.blogspot dot calm
I for one hope to see a lot more of that delightfully cute penis. I particularly like the outdoor pix.
you have a very attractive penis I think. I've got mini peepee myself.
you do have a nice must cum orally, love to eat it
saying anything bad against you would just be mean, but damn - I've seen bigger clits.
I like your little cock.
Shave - so you'll look like all the other pseudo dig dicks.
10 for BALLS
Have an average sized dick but never yet disappinted a woman. They all love him and keep cumming back for more. It's the length between the ears that counts (ie what can you do for a woman, that counts... Can't chat any more, off to stimulate my latest woman!
love that little thing cum join us stud 10
10 from me! I wish I had the courage to show mine.
Bober: Okay, so your pix ARE on show. Well done for that. However, have YOU had any guys with tools twice the size of your average one comment to you saying the same thing to you? No, unlikely. Why? Because maybe, just maybe they aren't negative people and again maybe, just maybe they are good people.

I myself am not hung like a horse. My tool is 8" when hard. Nothing special. But I don't undermine guys with smaller ones than me. That just isn't my style.
MMP's tool will do the same job as yours and mine, so just try quitting the cruel jabs. Cheers. Again.
Bober, a womans clitoris is only just under the surface so a penis...any penis....would stimulate her to orgasm. MyMiniPenis' dick would also do that job.

Before you run this guy down (who has the balls to show his face along with his tool), why don't you post your own tool for comparison so that every Adultism viewer can see how big....or small... YOU are. Give the guy a break why don't you? He doesn't need to read negative comments as he has, no doubt, had to put up with them for a long long time. Be fair huh? Cheers.
Well done for doing this post. Although I only have a 16" dick (Haha...just a joke!), it's good that you have done this for those guys with a small tool.

Good on you! Even though I'ma straight guy, I'll give you 10/10 for the post.
I have short dick too and women love him!
You just might open the doors for us short dick people. Thanks I dont even date couse of my dick.
i would love to suck it
i'll give you a 10 for your courage!