Pending friend request


Sex: couple, looking for nobody
Age: 59 years old
Location: United States
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Member since: Dec 17, 2021
Always open to new friends, campfires or a simple card game is a great ice breaker. We like the great outdoors. openminded people. having fun not just in the sack.
she-47- loves a good massage, Both Nude, candles, oil, relaxing music, and great hands that can make her body quiver, a couple of relaxing drinks, open to all sexes. if you are a good masseuse, please let us know. Top is her fav position and always open for a girlfriend.
He- 56- is more of a voyager, experimental, always thinking of new ideas, fav sex position 69
Do not copy or download our photos, we own a copyright on all photos good or bad. We are always looking for new friends. new ideas, safe and sane people. If you are from or near Ithaca NY hit us up. All are welcome. We are looking for mature couples for springtime adventures, but only respond to this if you plan on being in our area.