More of my wife in the bath, looking happier!

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My wife naked, nice shots of her tits in the warer
Posted in: Watcher Tags: bath, naked, tits
Comments (9)
typical well thought out Aussie humour
She loves having someone cum ovr het tits and face while she's in the water. No, she was fucked before her bath. That's wht she needed it!
mmm nice very hot to shoot cum on them...who was in the bed on the laptop?did you fuck her after her bath?
she did not look too happy with you
No, the date is all screwed up. It was taken last weekend!! I couldn't see you under the water, but she was certainly smiling about something...
1980/04/07 that's 30 years ago!! Has she cheered up yet? Maybe she got some extras if she's got a smile on her face! Beware it might have been me Dr!
was soll dieses video bewirken?waschtag oder was??!!
nice to see her in the bathtub and be a pleasure to play with and wash her tits and get my hands between her legs. want to see more of her showing off her tits and pussy
The wife looks troubled, tell her for me she looks lovely. I for one, appreciate her beauty. There's nothing more beautiful than a women's body, and she's a fine example.