Black heels

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Sissy crossdresser in black heels wearing sexy lingerie, with a nice shot of man cream at the end!!!
Comments (7)
Nice outfits
very hot. great cumshot
mmmm fill my wanting ass with your man cream
Lovely cum shot.
I'm here to tell YOU that anyway YOUR dressed YOU wouldn't need to touch that CLIT to get it off. YOU can use my mouth . But wearing what YOU do my mouth was drooling just watching YOU pride around in different SEXY out fits. YOUR AWESOMELY what my throat wants to feel CUMMING in it. SEXY SEXY HOT way YOU put this video together. LOVE watching YOU hang YOUR panties on YOUR CLIT and wanking just about off but making us wait tell YOU were ready to CUM. I drooled and pulled my joy string as YOU came out in different out fits. Each one made me want more and want to feel that CLIT working its way down my throat just before YOU shoots YOUR CUM and I pull YOU in with my hands on that CUTE SEXY HOT BUTT. And BABY I'd be pulling YOU deeper in my sucking mouth. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'll be looking for all YOUR posting . YOUR AWESOMELY GREAT SEXY and I need YOU to work YOUR CLIT way down my throat.
Totaly hot!
man that is one hard cock with panties hanging on it!