Cock probe

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Using a long black probe in my cock. It slides in through my prostate and deep into my bladder. when I move it in and out it causes me to piss, if I jerk off with it in, I will cum and piss! It feels so good!
Comments (9)
I want to be your neighbor
Sliding into our bladder H pissing is the best discomfort I've done to myself & my old dick
OMG how wonderfully that feels, I know
thanks all, see my other vids and pics!
Really liked watching you play!!!!!!!!! Love you cock belly and man tits!!!!!!!! MMMMMM Thank you for posting this hot video
good, i like
Hi SUPER SEXY GUY. I have looked at all YOUR posting and watched YOU probe YOUR SEXY HOT COCK and want to be all over YOU from kissing licking and sucking YOUR AWESOME ASSHOLE to sucking YOUR DELICIOUS COCK . THANK YOU for posting all YOU have. I know I'll keep looking and wishing YOU were my playmate.
Nice..... very NICE
Wow! Awesome!!!