shaking my booty

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I had my nightshirt on and it allowed me to do a striptease underneath and to slowly expose my ass.
Posted in: Bisexual Tags: bisexual, ass, erotic, dance
Comments (4)
My thanks to Patti LaBelle for that sexy tune!
Not there is a thing wrong with YOUR LOVELY SEXY ASS!!!! But being a lingerie LOVER I would have LOVE to see YOUR SUPER SEXY ASS covered with panties as I would try to kiss YOUR SEXY ASS. YOU would of had planty of time to drop YOUR panties as I was trying to kiss YOUR SUPER SEXY ASS as YOU were dancing. I'd even love to have my head under that dress as YOU move like that.
You don't have much rhythm, but you do have a nice ass...
shake that booty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!