FWB and her cucumber

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This is a FWB that I met off POF. She loves sticking big things in her pussy. She texted me this video one night she was at work and couldn't find anything in the house but this to play with. She was real vanilla until she met me. She is turning into a nice little cock whore now. Thanks to everyone that likes and comments on our posts that is what makes us post more.
Posted in: Weird insertations Tags: bbw, vegis, fucking
Comments (10)
she is lovely
Toy it down. Very sexy.
love watching you play
sounds wet and sloppy
god, I love a size queen!
so nice ....I love that big dildo shoved all the way in, wish i had a big cock for you....thanks for the video, made me cum quick
wow, that is talent, so deep must be wet....you need my tongue in there....god your video has me hard as a rock, thanks
Friends with Benefits
I know my cock is nothing next to that veggie . But I do know my face would LOVE to be all over YOU and kissing and licking YOU . WOW I want my tongue up YOUR ASS as YOUR playing. YOU have a very VERY DDELICIOUS BODY . LOVE the video. XXXXXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOO XXXXXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOO
Nice.... very NICE